Ryan Friedman

Chief Executive Officer @ryan_friedman

Lou Liebau

Chief Marketing Officer @sweet.lou

Timmy Irani

Chief Design Officer @timirani


Our goal at Hypemarket is to connect people that are passionate about what they do with brands that want to support that passion. Social media has made it easier than ever for people to show off skills like cooking, design or music and garner an audience of thousands or even millions of people. At their heart, we consider all Hypemarket influencers to be artists. Hypemarket gives these artists a place to monetize their passion.

Brands benefit immensely from having their products shared on social media platforms. When a brand can connect with an influencer who loves their product this relationship is mutually beneficial. On one side the brand immediately gains access to the reach of the influencer, and on the other, the influencer gets to work with a brand they love. We believe this creates a self-regulating, organic partnership. Because an influencer cares about their followers, the last thing they'd want is to share products that aren't true to themselves and risk losing those followers.