
Glimmer Scents Shimmering Perfume
Aroma Delights
What we’re looking for
Looking for those who mainly post about beauty/ fragrance products with active followers. USA residents only.
Product detailsHi Everyone! I launched Glimmer Scents alcohol free shimmering perfume at the beginning of this year. Ive recieved great reviews in my FB group and I'm looking for a few reviewers to help spread the word. USA residents only.
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Offered by Glimmer Scents Shimmering PerfumeDeliverable
Instagrammers will post to their feed:1 time
Usernames to @mention:@aromalady726
Hashtags to #mention:#GlimmerScents #AromaDelights
Accounts to tag in Photo:@aromalady726
NotesI am willing to send all of my glimmer scents (total 28, $182 value) and pay up to $100 depending on how many followers you have and how active your page is. My social media pages. FB business: Aroma Delights Scented Gifts, FB Group: Aroma Delights Reviews and Fun, YouTube: Aroma Delights, IG: aromalady726