
The With Love Movement
With Love By Taylor, LLC
What we’re looking for
I’m looking for anyone on Instagram that wants to participate in the movement and helping spread love to everyone! Let’s change the world one heart at a time:) this is an unpaid project as it is about spreading love and positivity. I will ship you the love notes to participate.
Product details#THEWITHLOVEMOVEMENT Random acts of love in the form of love notes. I create them and mail them to you and you can leave them randomly around your city, give them to people, or send them in your orders for your business! Please share a picture of the card using the hashtag on Instagram!
Product linkWant to enter this campaign?
Offered by The With Love MovementDeliverable
Instagrammers will post to their feed:1 time
Usernames to @mention:@withlovebytaylorllc
Hashtags to #mention:#thewithlovemovement
Accounts to tag in Photo:@withlovebytaylorllc
NotesPlease dm me if you have any questions about the movement or want to get more love notes to pass out!